© Garden Cottage Nursery, 2021
How To Bask In The Sun
Sun Charts
Sun Charts show the path the sun will follow through the sky for
a specific location throughout the year, all calculated using lots
of maths that is way beyond my Standard Grade level.
The University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory
has a useful wee on-line form where you type in your location
and it does the calculations for you and prints a map.
Here is one for Tournaig (57.79°,-5.56°), time is GMT:
Standing on your proposed border site with a print-out of a sun
chart for your location and a compass look around you looking
for where trees, buildings and landscape features where
intersect the lines on the chart. Where this happens your site will
be in shade during those times.
For a herbaceous border most plants will do best in a site with
day-long sunshine so you want as open a site as possible.
However open will probably also mean windier. A compromise
between enough shelter to stop the tall plants being blown over
and needing less staking generally and with getting enough
sunshine for optimal growth will have to be found.